Leaving the Military Affects Family Members Also

Military and Veterans, Military Transition, SMVF

Military Transition Affects the Whole Family, Not Just the Service Member

When a service member prepares to go on a deployment, do a PCS move, or transition out of the military, they are required to go through several levels of discussions and counseling to make sure they are prepared. Military spouses and children rarely receive the same level of training to prepare for major life transitions.

Sometimes, there is no formal support or program in place at all! This lack of preparation is unfortunate because military transitions affect the whole family, not just the service member. Too often, military spouses are left in the dark trying to navigate new challenges without much guidance or support.

Related: 5 Tips for a Smooth Transition Into Civilian Life

PCS Moves

Obviously, any PCS is a major transition. Whether you are relocating to another military assignment in the same base or on the other side of the world, it impacts every aspect of life for the service member and their family: job, housing, schools, friends, doctors, income opportunities, etc.

It’s a lot to handle, both logistically and emotionally. Service members typically report to work shortly after a PCS move and have a built-in community of co-workers and potential friends, while spouses and children may take months to feel settled or connected to their community.


For the family members who remain at home, deployment brings many different challenges. A spouse with children must juggle all the responsibilities of parenting alone, often without any consistent support from family members.

A military spouse without children might struggle with a grueling schedule of work and school, or they may experience long periods of loneliness or anxiety.


After a long military career, the entire family has usually adapted to the military community by making friends on the base, attending unit events, and finding fulfillment in a military identity. After the service member leaves or retires, all those lifestyle perks go away.

Families often report feeling confused and overwhelmed within the first few months after this transition.

Veteran and Transition Support in the Tidewater Region of Virginia: Download the Resource List

Get the Military Transition Support You Need from Region Five

If your family is struggling with a loved one’s military transition, we can help. Our Service Member, Veterans and Family Support (SMVF) Program provides support, resources and community to military members, service Veterans and their families.

Find out more about the Region Five SMVF Program today.

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