Virginia’s Identify SMVF, Screen for Suicide Risk, and Refer for Services (VISR) Webinar
We are excited to announce our first Virginia’s Identify SMVF, Screen for Suicide Risk, and Refer for Services (VISR) Resource Webinar for 2023!
This webinar will be which will be held online on Wednesday, March 22nd, from 1-2:30pm (EST).
Please join us to learn more about Veterans Affairs, Virginia Department of Veterans Services, and National Guard suicide prevention and supportive services for Military Service Members, Veterans, and families.
Click here to add the webinar to your Outlook Calendar
Use the link below to join the webinar. Registration for this webinar is not required.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Meeting ID: 231 806 663 421
Passcode: 2zwrBb
Or call in (audio only)
+1 434-230-0065,,796180526# United States, Lynchburg
Phone Conference ID: 796 180 526#