Losing a Loved One to Suicide

Crisis, Mental Health Supports

Written by Staci Young, LPC, ACS

When a Loved One Dies by Suicide, We’re Left With Confusing and Overwhelming Feelings

When someone completes a suicide, those left behind often feel symptoms of survivor’s guilt – overwhelming feelings of confusion, unworthiness, self-blame, and hopelessness. It’s hard to push thoughts like ‘Is there something that I could have done?’ away. It’s normal to have many difficult, and sometimes even conflicting, emotions when you experience the loss of a loved one from suicide, but it is NOT your fault, and you do not deserve to feel like this. 

Watch the video on YouTube here.

You Are Not Alone

The thoughts and feelings that often come with the loss of a loved one to suicide can be confusing and overwhelming, but we want you to know that you are not alone! Region 5 is your local point-of-access for mental health services and resources. If you need to talk to someone, it’s ok to reach out!

You can call our crisis line anytime, day or night, at 757-656-7755. You can also access outpatient therapy through your local community service board (CSB). Visit us online at www.region-five.org to get in touch with your closest CSB.

24/7 Crisis Line: 757-656-7755

Find Your Local CSB: https://region-five.org/csb-locations/

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