Bylaws of the Region Five Recovery Advisory Council
The name of the organization shall be Region 5 Recovery Advisory Council hereafter referred to as Region 5 RAC.
Region 5 RAC shall form a collaborative partnership with the Region’s Regional Leadership Team to implement changes in policy, operational protocol and advise on the addition of service provisions for individuals receiving services.
Region 5 RAC is a peer-driven organization developed to provide guidance, advocacy and expert assistance to Region 5 on matters that affect individuals receiving services for mental health, substance use and co-occurring disorders.
Section 1
There are two categories of membership: voting and non-voting members.
- The voting members consist of up to three persons from every Community Services Board or Behavioral Health Authority within Region 5, including Eastern State Hospital. Only voting members can hold an executive office on the council. Two-thirds of the membership shall consist of peers, individuals receiving services or family members and may not exceed one non-peer staff representative from each organization. To join, a person only needs to request membership and give name, phone number, email, job title and organization. Members must attend at least 6 business meetings each year.
- Non-voting members can be any community member in Region 5. To join, a person only needs to request membership and give name, phone number, email, job title and organization. Members must attend at least 6 business meetings each year.
Section 2: Appointment
Each organization shall be responsible for appointing their own designees. No time frames for service are specified for non-executive membership.
Section 3: Removal
Region 5 RAC reserves the right to remove any member whose actions are not consistent with the best interests of the group. Removal is subject to evaluation by the council and is based on majority vote. Removal of an executive officer shall be for 3 or more consecutive, unexplained absences and dereliction of duties.
Section 1: Elected Offices
The governing structure of Region 5 RAC shall consist of the following offices:
Chair – The Chair shall perform the following duties:
- Preside at all the meetings and have general supervision of all committee activities
- Appoint all standing committees and other special committees as needed.
- Conduct regular scheduled meetings and/or call special meetings
- Appoint a liaison to the Regional Leadership Team and ensure that the liaison forwards the Region 5 RAC monthly business minutes to the RLT within one week after the business meeting.
Vice Chair – In the absence of chair, the Vice Chair shall complete all the duties listed above, under the chair position. The Vice Chair will be a member of the succeeding organization.
Secretary – The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings, forward them to the chair and vice chair and coordinate the announcement of meetings. He/she shall maintain a current roster of all members.
Section 2: Term
Executive Officers shall serve for a period of one year and may be reappointed for consecutive terms on direction of the Council. Terms run from July 1st through June 30 of the following year.
Section 3: Procedures for filling Executive Committee Offices
Executive Offices shall be filled by rotation of the membership. The rotation list, which is developed by the membership, occurs using the alphabetical listing of member organizations. Should an office become vacant, a member organization will volunteer to fulfill the office for the time remaining until July 1. The member organization that is next in line on the rotation list will take office.
Section 4: Procedures for Vacating Executive Offices
- The Region 5 RAC Chairperson, Vice Chair and Secretary will identify and meet with the succeeding organization 60 days prior to June 30th, to implement transfer of materials and information for the new term.
- The Regional Leadership Team shall be notified, in writing and verbal report, of the ending of the current term and order of next successor.
Decisions made by Region 5 RAC shall be reached by majority voting members. At least 5 voting members must be present to have a quorum.
Any Region 5 RAC voting member can make a motion for an amendment to the bylaws. The motion must be approved by the majority voting members of Region 5 RAC.
Section 1: Regular Meetings
Regular meetings: Region 5 RAC will schedule twelve meetings a year, with the Annual Meeting to be held in June. The Annual Meeting may include formal introduction of new leadership organizations and strategic planning for the upcoming term.
Section 2: Special Meetings
Special meetings: Meetings may be called by the following persons:
- Chair
- At the request of a quorum
Any voting member can also approach the Chair in order to request a meeting.
Section 3: Notification
Notification of meetings shall be given to members via email, or phone to those who do not have email access in advance.
Parliamentary procedure shall be in accordance with “Robert Rules of Order.”
(Revised August 2021)
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